About CWTA

We are activists of all ages and backgrounds working on the local and national level to promote women leaders and secure the health and well-being of women, their families, and their communities.

Chicago Women Take Action (CWTA), formed in 2013, is a diverse group of women united in the commitment to achieve women’s leadership and economic and social equity. We are activists of all ages (many of us belong to several organizations) working on the local and national level to promote women leaders and secure the health and well being of women, their families, and their communities.

We are committed to:

  • Acting together on issues of importance  – at the national, local and state level, in politics and in direct action.

  • Providing a space where women can learn together about issues more fully, and develop strategies and tactics.

  • Having a place that nurtures, prepares, and supports women political leaders (for election as well as in life).

  • Mentoring younger women and demonstrating leadership skills.

  • Combining the seriousness of confronting injustice with a sense that life must be joyful and celebratory of friendships and more.

The issues that many women care about include, but are not limited to, gun violence, reproductive rights, protecting democracy, income inequality/equal wages to the ERA, voting rights, minimum wage increase and fair employment conditions.

Our activities include:

  • Working on issues of concern for action (in and out of the electoral arena).

  • Developing and aiding women candidates for elective office.

  • Creating a strong women’s agenda and voice in Chicago, through public forums.

We meet monthly to discuss our Women’s Agenda, and we organize and attend events throughout the year across the city.